Governor Adeleke felicitates Muslim Ummah 

Governor Adeleke felicitates Muslim Ummah


The Executive Governor of Osun State, Senator Ademola Adeleke has congratulated Muslim faithfuls in the state and beyond on the occasion of the Eid-il-Kabir celebration, urging them to imbibe the spirit of sacrifice that defines the festive period.


Governor Adeleke recognizes the significance of the festival as a reminder of the unfailing grace of Almighty Allah on humanity, noting that the occasion underscores the reward of obedience and faith in Allah subhanawattahallah.


The Governor charges Muslim faithfuls to take a cue from Prophet Ibrahim’s (ASW) act of selflessness and submissive posture, called on Muslim faithfuls to use the occasion to renew bonds and build a safe and healthy society.


“I congratulate every Muslim on this significant Islamic festival and ask that we rededicate ourselves to upholding the essence of the occasion, which underscores sacrifice and faith in Allah,” he noted.


“Let us use this period to uphold the spiritual benefit of the celebration by sharing love and togetherness across all divides, while not forgetting to seek the face of Allah for continous peace and progress of Osun state and Nigeria as a whole.


“As a government, we are taking the lead on sacrifice in order to bring about a better situation for the people as exemplified by Prophet Ibrahim (ASW), and I urge the people to exercise this same attitude so as to achieve a better condition in the social, economic, and political landscape of not just Osun state but also Nigeria.


“I call for sustained support and prayer for our administration in our drive to transform Osun and make it the envy of other places not just in Nigeria, but across Africa.



Mallam Olawale Rasheed,

Spokesperson to the Osun State Governor

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